Anyway, we tracked down her mugshot and thought it would be quite humorous for everyone in the lower bowl at the Verizon center to hold these up. It can't be easy sinking a free throw with 2,000 people holding up a picture of your Mom's mug shot. So please download this, print a bunch out, and bring them to the game on Thursday. Also, please pass this link to anyone and everyone.
Download >>>>>>
Note: If you don't have a color printer, no worries. It's still just as good in black and white...after all, it is a white out Thursday night at Verizon.
Why the hell would we do this? That's in such bad taste. The last thing we need to do is make Lebron angry.
Congratulations Washington. You've officially stooped to the level of an elementary school child. How distasteful, you should be ashamed of yourselves. You do not even deserve to be in the playoffs.
simply unbelieveable. Washington fans are the low lifes of all professional sports
full disclosure..die hard cavs fan here..just nice to see the only posts have been to say what a bad idea this is on many different levels...
Oooohhh, don't make big bad Lebron angry!! Scary!!
Give me a break, this is professional sports during the playoffs. Taunting is encouraged and part of home court advantage. I'm not surprised that Cleveland fans are crying and whining about it, though--just like your coach and players cry and whine about hard fouls!
The woman drove drunk. That's not enough poor taste to you?
Ok, you can chant overrated and all the taunting, but don't bring someone's personal life into this. He has nothing to do with what his mom does. It is very distasteful.
Ignorant and classless. I don't care who wins this game, but that's just ridiculous! At least TRY to have a bit of class!
i can't believe this. the reaction of our team and our city to this series is making me sick to be a wizards fan. i wish all the classless crap going on here would end and the team would just play NBA level ball. Haven't seen that happen yet. Hopefully tonight.
Everyone needs to take a deep breath and relax. Its a joke. Doing anything like this in an off-court setting is what would be truly distasteful. On the court, it's a joke. From what I heard, the Cavs fans were RUTHLESS and extremely over the line with things they screamed at the Wiz players. Whats the difference?
bad idea, why in the hell now would you wizards fans do this to lebrob ?? dont heckle the boy, his gonna make you hate him more than you do..! if a fan take that to the game and he sees it, the serie is going to be over..!
now i dont' care about maikng him angry.......... and i am a wizards fan, but this is so wrong no too many levels............ and to all tyhe loser cavs fans who are calling us classless, don't forget about how the cavs were calling the refs
"assholes" in game 2 after a foul...... that's classless.......
"on" too many levels.............
You might now want to do stuff like this when mr. "i'm going to call LeBron overrated" has stuff like this in his past:
Atleast the cavaliers dont have a pediphile rapist who talks a bunch of sh*t then does nothing for the team....get lebron real mad...its a stupid thing to do he'll drop atleast 70 on your washington whiners
just classless. why would anyone include a person's mother into something like this. no person in their right mind would allow their mom to be ridiculed.
just classless.
These people are just jealous because they all can feel their faces.
Who's talking now? Lebron aint shit! For the actual Wiz fans that read this blog...looks like we don't need to re-sign Gil.
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